- 7 April 2020
- Posted by: Maeve Walsh
- Category: Company Secretarial and Compliance

Covid-19 – CRO Update – 7 April 2020
This note is part of a series that the lawyers of Reddy Charlton will issue on the major legal, personal and business issues that will confront us all during the Covid-19 crisis.
Company Incorporations and Limited Services
Following on from our last update, the Companies Registration Office (‘’the CRO”) have announced the following further update with a resumption of some limited services:-
1. “Due to the restrictions put in place by the government in response to the Covid-19 Pandemic, The CRO Offices are closed.
2. We are offering limited services to the public including company incorporations and receipt of charges.
3. The company search facility www.cro.ie remains operational.
4. The company online filing facility www.core.ie remains operational.
5. Post to Dublin Office will resume from 02/04/20.
6. All post will be date stamped on receipt and stored for processing when the Office re-opens.”
This is particularly good news for those wishing to incorporate new companies and file charges.
The CRO have also confirmed that from Monday 6 April the CRO Office in Carlow will again be accepting any post delivered through An Post or using the Office’s DX number but that delivery of documents by hand or courier is not possible at this time.
How can Reddy Charlton help?
During this Covid-19 crisis, Reddy Charlton Services Limited are eager to support, encourage and guide your business. If you have any queries or seek further information on the above or any other company secretarial issues, please contact Maeve Walsh on mwalsh@reddycharlton.ie